[Shoji] Printers



Okay guys, here we go.

Why are printers so finicky all the damn time? I got an ancient printer a couple months back from a realtor, so it’s a proper business thing. Fax and all (I still don’t know why I’d ever fax). This thing absolutely will not connect properly to my laptop without drivers, but the drivers simply don’t exist anywhere. It’s gotta be on some ancient disc somewhere, which who the hell even uses discs anymore? I think I remember Himi needing a single one for some reason and had to get like a pack of 100. It cost nothing though, because nobody uses discs!

Anyway though, back to the printer. I am now panicking because I have like 3 major tax documents I need to get printed out and soon because I’m going to do that this weekend. Busted ass printer doesn’t know how to do its literal one and only job title. Why do printers of all things have to be so infuriating? I’m just glad I don’t have to pay a subscription to use it like some others have been recently. I guess that’s a bright side to this story? But it doesn’t change the fact that printers are and always have been so ass.


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